3Prepress Technique Types and Importance!!

If you have a business in the printing industry, maybe you are familiar with the word prepress. This is an important step in product development and it is not only important to a business owner. This step is also important to designers, advertisers, and purchasing agents.

What Is a Prepress?

The term is referring to the process to create a printing layout as well as the entire steps necessary to create a final print project and get the results you desire. A special digital machine is going to collect the electronic information and then convert the data that will be pressed to paper.

A complete kit is available to help you save time, and it is super helpful, especially for professional graphic designers. They can produce the best designs in the best format with the complete kit. the proper technique is going to help designers produce file output efficiently and quickly.

Without the proper technique and a complete kit, you may need more time to finish the project. It is because of the different file types, output needs, and file sizes that will slow down the process. It is important to consider using the right printing technique and complete kit.

The Different Types of Prepress


This printing technique comes in three different basic types, they all vary depending on the project you are doing and your taste. Understand the three different types and you will be able to use one that matches your project the most.

  • Traditional process

The first process is the traditional type, which also varies depending on your need and the goal of your production process. The first one is the traditional photosensitive process. Its function is to pass images from one place to another place.

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The passing process is using some substances that are sensitive to light. And the second one is the traditional register process which can be manual or mechanical production methods. This process is intended to create the best impression.

  • Digital process

In the digital process, you need to use a computer when accessing special editing programs. The digital process is completely different from the traditional one. In the digital process, there will be no originally fixed model because you can always modify the design depending on your taste.

  • Mix process

The function of this mixing process is to combine the different prepress types such as digital printing, offset, and screen printing. This is a super helpful process because the technologies you use in this process are going to help you reduce production costs.

The Importance of This Process

This process is very essential and no designer should ignore the presence of this process. To have a great design, you need to understand the importance of this process. Below are some things that make the process important.

  • Binding selection

This process is going to let the customers choose between various options for the publication spine. Some options like the case bound or perfect bound, saddle-stitched, wire and comb, and also spiral binding are available. Each binding has its merits and is perfect for a different number of pages.

  • Preparing artwork

Artwork preparation is involving setting bleed, color profiles, crop marks, and registration just as specified by the printer. This process will also allow for creep and check the results of transparency flattening.

  • Pre-flight

This is an automatic document scanning process that will be done by using the pre-defined profile of the printer. It is a crucial process since the goal of this process is to find any errors before submitting the design.

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Each process in a prepress technique is important and you should never ignore this technique. Learn how to practice the proper technique and always use the complete kit to get the best design.

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