6 Methods to Fix iPhone Power Bar Yellow!!

Discovering your iPhone power bar yellow is strange because it is usually white or red when low. You might be worried something may occur as you don't know the function and your iPhone is okay. It is a battery mode alarming you to gain more life.

Why Does iPhone Power Bar Turn Yellow?

iPhone Power Bar Turn Yellow

iPhone power bar yellow is a feature for iOS 9 and higher versions since 2015. When iPhone shows a yellow battery, it means your device is in low-power mode and needs immediate charging. This feature saves or extends battery life in iPhones and receives the best rate from users. 

This mode is active when the iPhone battery drops to 20 percent. Your iPhone keeps requesting to turn into low power mode at 10 percent when you fail to make it when it hits 20 percent. No activation to the low power mode within these two warnings, the battery will turn red. 

The red power bar indicates the battery is weak. Thus, you should activate the iPhone power bar yellow before it reaches 20 percent. In yellow color, your iPhone can live within 1 to 3 hours. How long it will last depends on the iPhone model and your activities

How to Activate Yellow Power Bar on iPhone?

How to Activate Yellow Power Bar on iPhone

You can activate low power mode in iPhone in two ways, through iPhone settings and the control center. Remember that iOS cannot turn this mode on without your command but you can ask Siri. The easiest way to activate this mode is through iPhone settings. 

Tap the settings icon on your home screen and scroll down the options to choose the battery tab. Then, slide on the low power mode option. The iPhone power bar yellow is active when the battery icon on the top-right corner of the screen change to yellow color. 

Meanwhile, activating this mode via the control center requires you to add the feature first. Go to the settings menu, open the control center and choose to customize controls option. Next, scroll down the more controls session and activate low power mode. 

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Now, choose the green icon on the left to put on the low power mode

How to Deactivate Yellow iPhone Power Bar?

How to Deactivate Yellow iPhone Power Bar

Activating is iPhone power bar yellow easy and so does deactivate this mode. Like activating this mode, you must access settings or the control center to deactivate it. Next, you only need to tap the icon to toggle it off. 

Besides, iOS can turn the low power mode off when the battery level hits over 80 percent during the charging time. At this level, the iPhone power bar shifts from yellow to green. The iPhone battery icon occasionally can turn yellow when it hits 100 percent. 

The difference between the iPhone power bar yellow changing into green should not worry you. You can turn off low power mode if you do not like the repeating alarm from this feature or are worried easily about the power bar color changes

Is it Safe If iPhone Power Bar Remains Yellow?

Your iPhone will be safer during low power mode and no long-term effects happen when the battery remains yellow. Remember that keeping in this mode for a long time is not easy. 

It is because of the performance during the iPhone power bar yellow to preserve more power. Several users prefer activating this mode when they discover their iPhone power is not in good condition. 

How Does Power Bar Yellow Affecting iPhone? 

When the iPhone battery icon becomes yellow, it will affect your iPhone. Hence, do not be surprised if you discover several changes on your iPhone during this mode as follows:

  • Siri is unable

Siri is an excellent partner for many iPhone users but this feature consumes a lot of power. It is due to the heavy data flow for combining the internet, the virtual assistant, and users’ commands. When you see the iPhone power bar yellow, iOS disables communication between Siri and iPhone users. 

It happens to cut down the use of power as least as possible so your iPhone can stay longer. You should not feel worried because you can use Siri again when you increase the battery life and it turns green. You only cannot use Siri to help with your activities temporarily

  • Brightness and visual effects reduction

iPhone has a beautiful user interface and many users love it. However, GPU works behind this beautiful interface and needs a lot of power. The interface reduces its brightness and visual effects during low power mode. 

Your iPhone removes those beautiful effects to save more power. You also can reduce the visual effects on the interface without waiting for the battery to turn yellow. You only need to open the settings menu and select the accessibility option. 

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Now, tap on the motion and choose the reduced motion aspect. 

  • Fewer network activities

Fortunately, your iPhone will charge faster when there are fewer activities and distractions. During this mode, your iPhone only performs fewer tasks or opens a few apps to support better charging. Your device will get more energy and reduce less. 

You can improve the charging process by using a suitable and original phone cable to charge the iPhone. Using the right charging tools also can reduce battery draining and keep the power longer

  • iPhone charging faster

iPhone charging faster

Your iPhone battery will be safe if you reduce any activities that consume much power and activate iPhone power bar yellow feature. Using this mode and limiting activities can keep the battery powered for several days without charging the iPhone. 

If you make low power made activation becomes a habit, you can improve the battery health and keep using it for long years. Thus, you should not neglect this kind of simple act because it can save your battery life and prevent you from spending more money to fix broken batteries or other power issues

  • Better battery health

Your iPhone battery will be safe if you reduce any activities that consume much power and activate iPhone power bar yellow feature. Using this mode and limiting activities can keep the battery powered for several days without charging the iPhone. 

If you make low power made activation becomes a habit, you can improve the battery health and keep using it for long years. Thus, you should not neglect this kind of simple act because it can save your battery life and prevent you from spending more money to fix broken batteries or other power issues

  • Background sync is off

Syncing process consumes a lot of battery power in iPhones and most smartphones. However, syncing is one of the most crucial processes in your phone because it will keep your device up-to-date with new improvements and events. Syncing allows you to receive emails and other notifications promptly. 

If you activate the syncing process, your iPhone performs constant data flow that consumes the most power. However, turning the low power mode on can reduce all those syncing activities to save more power. 

Tips to Preserve iPhone Battery

Tips to Preserve iPhone Battery

Aside from turning on low power mode, you can use other tips to save your iPhone battery. Most tips are easy to perform as you can use the available feature.

  • Keep iPhone at good heat levels

Keeping the iPhone at excellent heat levels should become your habit because high temperatures can harm the capability of the Lithium-ion battery to preserve power. Avoid charging your iPhone in the car or place with high heat. Make sure you take off the case during charging. 

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Avoiding those actions can help your iPhone battery remains in good condition for long years. 

  • Using dark mode

Besides the iPhone power bar yellow you can discover it in iOS 9 or above, you also can find another fascinating feature in iPhone 13 or above that aims to save battery life. This feature refers to the dark mode. 

iPhone users love this feature because it offers dark pixels that can cut down battery usage. It looks beautiful too. Another good thing about this feature is the dark mode applies less brightness. Consequently, it consumes less power and your battery will not drain quickly

  • Activating optimized charging mode 

Another feature called optimized charging mode is available in your iPhone and you can use it to preserve the battery life. You can discover this feature in the settings menu. As you open the settings, find the battery health session and select the optimized battery charging option. 

Letting the iPhone know about the charging norms will help save its battery. By activating this feature, you can experience better battery health and use it longer before recharging. 

  • Restarting iPhone regularly 

Restating your iPhone can help this device to overcome various technical issues that possibly happen and disturb the activities performed. One of the problems that may occur is one related to quick battery power loss. 

Restarting your iPhone regularly seems does not have significant contributions to your device but this small action can improve your battery health. You can try restarting iPhone at least twice a week and later you can come across several positive changes in iPhone’s battery life

  • Minimizing apps usage

Running many apps in your iPhone’s background can be a problem for iOS. Thus, make sure you close all the running apps before letting the iPhone rest. Remember to close any opened apps when you are not using them when operating the iPhone. 

No need to worry because closing the apps will not delete your data. It is only an alternative to keep your iPhone battery in good health. 

iPhone power bar yellow does not harm your device and it remains safe. It only indicates your iPhone consumes less power to preserve the battery life. You can activate it anytime to remind the charging time or minimize the activities.

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